On January 13, user @0xDiyaaa shared a security incident related to the Telegram Safeguard scam, once again reminding the need to improve security awareness at the end of the year. The user clicked on a TG link disguised as a verification machine in the comment area of the social platform, and then executed a malicious command, resulting in assets at risk. Fortunately, due to the handwritten mnemonic in advance, the assets were transferred in time and the computer was wiped, avoiding greater los...
According to CCTV, Li Qiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council to hear reports on ensuring the payment of migrant workers' wages.
On December 27, the China Animal Husbandry Association, together with 9 associations in major producing areas, recently submitted an application for safeguard measures to the investigation authority, arguing that the sharp increase in China's beef imports in recent years has had a significant adverse impact on the domestic industry. The Chinese investigation authority reviewed the domestic industry application in accordance with the law and decided to initiate an investigation after finding that...
Hilary Allen, a law professor at American University, pointed out that stablecoins pose a potential threat to the banking system and the public, arguing for federal regulation. She warned that stablecoins could lead to bank instability and ultimately require emergency government assistance. The remarks come as Congress steps up regulation of stablecoins, despite the fact that stablecoins are being passed in a presidential election year.